Our Lady of Lourdes provides an Outside of School Hours Care (OSHC) program through Toowoomba Catholic Kindergartens & Care (TCKC). TCKC is a fully registered provider of sports based outside school hours care. It provides services with the aim of providing affordable and high quality before school, after school and vacation care. It is a fully licensed child care provider, and as thus, is licensed to receipt child care rebate (CCB) on behalf of the Federal Government.
The Outside School Care program provided by TCKC at Our Lady of Lourdes operates the following hours:
Outside School care consists of appropriate activities and includes the provision of a nutritious breakfast and afternoon.
Mackenzie Andrews
Phone: 0429 572 021 / 0429 423 001
Email: OLOcare@tckc.qld.edu.au / Web: www.tckc.qld.edu.au
Find out more and enrol in Our Lady of Lourdes OSHC here.