The religious life of Lourdes underpins all that we do. The Lourdes community is distinctive and encourages all to "Follow the Lourdes Way" on their journey through life.

It is a requirement for students to be actively and successfully engaged in the learning of religion. Teachers, staff and students embrace the Catholic Christian tradition by using an explicit, coherent, sequenced program for Religious Education drawn from Toowoomba Catholic RE P-12 Curriculum. Year level teachers use the General Capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities which allow them to cater for the diverse needs of the students in their class.

Professional Development is regularly offered to build skills, knowledge, religious identity and the culture of Lourdes which is developed through whole school celebrations, class prayer, weekly assemblies and daily prayer which underpin the ethos and charism of "The Lourdes Way."

Students and their families are invited to know and live the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a close relationship with the Lourdes parish where all can choose to be a member and attend. Opportunities to celebrate sacramental rituals are provided where students can further enrich their faith journey. The school engages in Social Justice activities where students can help those less fortunate than themselves following the 'See, reflect, act' model.


A Catholic lens is applied to content in all learning areas. The Laudato si’ - (care for our common home) and Catholic Social Teachings are resources that assist in the curriculum delivery of religion. Unit planning and assessment tasks are aligned to the RE curriculum with learning intentions and success criteria to guide student understanding and faith development.


  • Religious Identity and Culture - Ethos and Charism
  • Prayer and Worship - Christian prayer
    • Staff Prayer roster for class assemblies, staff meetings
    • Daily prayer in classrooms
    • Meditation opportunities
    • Year level Prayer/Celebration – once per term depending on year level programme
  • Evangelisation and Faith Formation - Living the Gospel
    • Whole School Mass – at least one per term and on special feast days
    • Sacramental Programme (Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist)
    • Year 4/ 5 attend weekly Mass; Year 6 monthly
    • Staff Professional Development
  • Social Action and Justice - Justice in the school community
    • Fundraising
    • Leadership Groups for Year 6
    • Connection to Parish ministries
    • Individual class projects
    • Project Compassion