Our Lady of Lourdes is a Catholic primary school catering for boys and girls from Prep to Year 6. Our school is a place where God, who is truth, is named and recognised. The curriculum is designed in such a way that pupils develop an openness to truth, a tolerance of different views and an ability to judge critically and become inner-directed.
The school, therefore does not refer to buildings, but rather people. Parents, students and teachers together make up a Faith Community that reflects our love of God. Our School motto “SERVIAM” applies not only to the children but indeed to all of us. “SERVIAM”, I will serve, is a challenge to a life of selfless devotion to others as well as being a challenge to the Christian service of God and their fellow man.
We encourage the achievement of a personal best standard as a key measure of success for each student and assess on that basis.
As a part of the Diocese of Toowoomba, the school is supported by the Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office.
Our Lady of Lourdes is a serving and supportive Catholic community where students engage as active participants in quality, inclusive learning experiences. We value and foster within our students the skills to be resilient and respectful critical thinkers who are confident learners for life. Lourdes learners will grow to think globally, act locally and seek opportunities for a just, peaceful, tolerant and inclusive society.